Categoría Ezagutza
ALCk COPOLAD proiektuari laguntzen dio prozesuetan, drogei buruzko politiken arloan berrikuntza sozialeko laborategiak sortzeko

ALC COPOLAD III programan hasi da lanean. Programa horretan, drogei buruzko politiken arloan gizarte-berrikuntzako laborategi batzuk diseinatu, inplementatu eta ebaluatuko dira, erakundeak elkarrekin konektatzeko esperimentazio-gune gisa artikulatzen direnak.
COPOLAD III nazioarteko lankidetza-programa bat da, eta Europar Batasunaren eta Latinoamerikako eta Karibeko herrialdeen arteko elkarrizketa teknikoa eta lankidetza birerregionala sustatzen ditu droga-politiken arloan.
Europar Batasunak finantzatzen du programa, eta Politika eta Administrazio Publikoen Nazioarteko Fundazio Iberoamerikarrak (FIIAPP) gidatzen du, Nazioarteko Erakunde Italiar-Latinoamerikarrarekin (IILA) batera, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) eta Drogen eta Toxikomanien Europako Behatokiarekin (Europako drogen etorkizuneko agentzia) lankidetzan.
COPOLADen zeregin nagusietako bat eskualdeko herrialdeek planteatutako behar espezifikoei erantzutea da. Herrialde klabeko lankidetza-ekintzak diseinatuta daude sinergiak eta osagarriak sortzeko eskualdekoekin (Lan Taldeak eta Nazioarteko Sare eta Erakundeekiko lankidetza), irtenbideak bilatzera bideratutako ezagutzaren kudeaketa optimizatuz eta eskala-ekonomiak sortuz, irtenbide berak hainbat agertoki eta eragilerentzat balio dezan.
Programak drogei buruzko politikak sortzeko oinarriak eskaintzen ditu. Politika horiek pertsonengan zentratzen dira, batez ere ahulenetan, eta ebidentzia zientifikoetan, integraletan, orekatuetan eta gainerako politika publikoekin koherenteak diren ebidentzietan oinarritzen dira, eta, beraz, eraginkorragoak dira.
Helburu horiek erabat errespetatuko dute herrialde bakoitzaren subiranotasun nazionala, eta herrialde parte-hartzaileek planteatutako eskarian oinarrituko dira.
2023ko apiriletik, COPOLAD hainbat arlotan ari da horrelako laguntzak ematen, herrialdeek zein programak lehenetsitako eskaeretan oinarrituta.
Lana COPOLAD III proiektuan
2021-2025 EBko Drogen Estrategiaren ildotik, COPOLADen hirugarren faseak droga-politikak indartzearen alde egiten du, 2030 Agendarekin koherente izanik, bai eta politiken koherentzia kontuan hartuko duen ikuspegi integral baten alde ere.
COPOLADek 500 jarduera baino gehiago ditu, programaren sei ardatzetan politika publikoak hobetzea helburu dutenak, bai Drogen Behatokiei laguntza emateari dagokionez, bai drogei buruzko EB-CELAC eskaintza, eskari eta elkarrizketari dagokionez, bai generoaren, giza eskubideen, garapenaren eta berrikuntzaren zeharkako ildoei dagokienez.
- Prestakuntza-ikastaroak
- Kongresuak eta mintegiak
- Praktika-komunitateak
- Europako expertisea mobilizatzea
- Laguntza teknikoa
- Azterlanak eta ikerketak
- Kanpaina publikoak
- Politika publikoetako berrikuntza-pilotuei laguntzea
Aplikatutako estrategietako bat drogei buruzko politiken arloan berrikuntza sozialeko laborategiak sortzea da, erakundeak elkarrekin konektatzeko esperimentazio-gune gisa egituratzen direnak. Ahalegin horretan, COPOLADek Agirre Lehendakaria Centerren (ALC) babesa du.
ALCk proiektu honetan garatzen duen lanaren testuinguruan, proposamenak proposatzen du programaren eguneroko lanean gizarte-berrikuntzako gaitasunak eta tresnak integratzeko ikuspegi bat bi jarduera-mailatara egokitzea: eskualdekora, laborategi edo plataformen sare bat sortuz Latinoamerikako eta Karibeko herrialde desberdinetan) eta prozesuari buruzko ikaskuntza-komunitate bat sortuz; eta tokikora, eskualdeko hiru herrialdetan, non ikuspegia aplikatuko litzatekeen Agirre Centerreko taldearen berariazko laguntzarekin
Gizarte berrikuntzarako lehen laborategia abian da Txilen
SENDA, COPOLAD eta ALC taldeek elkarrekin lan egin dute Txileko lehen Gizarte Berrikuntzako Laborategia bultzatzeko, Mauleko eskualdean drogen kontsumoari dagokionez, egoera zaintzen duten haur eta nerabeei buruz.
Interpretazio kolektiboko saioak egin dira Santiagon eta Mauleko eskualdean, tokiko taldeek bildutako informazioa tokiko agintari eta agenteekin alderatzeko.
Entzuteko eta interpretazio kolektiborako espazioei esker, haur eta nerabeen problematikari buruzko pertzepzioak kontrastatu eta lehen ikuspegi partekatu bat sortu da, eta korapilo kritikoak identifikatu dira, non politika publikoko estrategiak gizarte-berrikuntzaren ikuspegitik ardaztu behar diren. Prozesu horrek jarraipena izango du prototipoak (irtenbideak) elkarrekin sortzeko prozesuekin datozen hilabeteetan. Modu integralean lantzen da drogen eta alkoholaren kontsumoa Estatuaren babespean dauden haur eta nerabeetan.
Berrikuntza-ikuspegiak inpaktu handiagoa sortzea ahalbidetzen du denbora errealean informazioa sortzean, aldaketetara egokitzea erraztuz, etengabeko entzumen-prozesuekin berrikuntza-zorroak lortuz eta gobernantza-sistema malgu eta moldagarri bat lortuz, erronka konplexuei aurre egiteko eta faktore anitzeko fenomeno konplexuei heltzeko, lurraldearekin eta eragindako komunitateekin lotura izanik.
"Batez bestekoak ez du balio, erantzun bereizgarriak emateko gai izan behar dugu"
Eskualdeko tailerra Uruguain
Joan den astean eskualdeko tailer bat egin zen Montevideon, Uruguain. ALC arduratu da gizarte-berrikuntzaren ikuspegia nola garatzen den azaltzeaz. Horretarako, ALCk berezko metodologia garatzen du, eragile eta eragile guztiak inplikatuz eta fase desberdinetan parte hartuz: ekosistemaren mapaketa, entzute sakona, interpretazio kolektiboa eta, azkenik, baterako sorkuntza.
Gizarte berrikuntzako bigarren laborategia Kolonbian sustatuko da. Gazteak mikrotrafo-sareekin lotzera eta substantzia psikoaktiboen kontsumo-arazoak garatzera bultzatzen dituzten kalteberatasun-faktoreak arintzea izango du helburu. Bere jarduera-eremuak Cauca Departamentuko Santander de Quilichao landa-erdialdea eta Cauca Haraneko Departamentuko Cali hiri-eremua izango dira.
Legez kanpoko merkatua murriztea
COPOLAD laguntza nazionaleko ekimenak garatzen hasi den bigarren esparru bat drogen legez kanpoko merkatua murriztea da. Programa Kolonbiako Aktibo Berezien Sozietateari laguntzen ari zaio, narkotrafikoari konfiskatutako ondasunak gizartean eta kulturan berrerabiltzeko politika publikoa diseinatzen.
Beste ahalegin batzuen arabera, legez kanpoko drogak fabrikatzeko funtsezkoak diren aitzindari kimikoak kontrolatu eta kudeatu behar dira. COPOLADek Kolonbia, El Salvador eta Ekuadorri laguntzen die. Azken ekintza hori gai berari buruzko eskualdeko lantalde batek egindako ezagutza publikoaren kudeaketarekin lotzen da.
Testuinguruari buruzko zenbait datu
Mundu osoko 36 milioi pertsonak droga-kontsumoagatiko nahasmenduak izan zituzten 2020an. Gainera, datozen urteetan, drogak kontsumitzen dituzten pertsonen kopurua % 11 handituko dela aurreikusten da.
Legez kanpoko drogen merkatuak talde kriminalen kontrolpean jarraitzen du, eta negozio izugarria izaten jarraitzen du. Negozio horren pizgarriek eragin nabarmena dute herrialde askotan, haien erakundeetan, ekonomietan eta gizarte-dinamiketan. Opakutasunak datu kontrastatuak izatea zailtzen badu ere, kalkulatzen da sektore horrek urtero 426 eta 652 mila milioi dolar bitartean mugitzen dituela, eta hori, BPGri dagokionez, Suedia bezalako herrialdeen mailan kokatzea izango litzateke, munduko herrialdeetan 21. tokian kokatuz.
Hego Amerika koka-hostoaren ekoizpen osoaren jatorria da, eta legez kanpoko laborantzara bideratutako azalera osoa 2013an 120.600 hektareatik 2017an 245.000 hektareako errekor historikora hazi zen, hau da, milioi erdi futbol zelai Hego Amerikan bakarrik.
Txikitze edo hiri-drogen trafiko txikian gertatzen den bezala, testuinguru ekonomiko eta soziala kontuan hartu behar da: nekazari pobre askok droga-laboreetara jotzen dute pobreziatik ateratzeko tresna gisa.














Gizarte berrikuntzako bigarren laborategia Kolonbian sustatuko da. Gazteak mikrotrafo-sareekin lotzera eta substantzia psikoaktiboen kontsumo-arazoak garatzera bultzatzen dituzten kalteberatasun-faktoreak arintzea izango du helburu. Bere jarduera-eremuak Cauca Departamentuko Santander de Quilichao landa-erdialdea eta Cauca Haraneko Departamentuko Cali hiri-eremua izango dira.
ALCk gizarte-berrikuntzako laborategiak ezartzen lagunduko duen gainerako herrialdeak datozen asteetan adostuko dituzte taldeek.
ALC participates in the Plataforma de Innovación Abierta (Open Innovation Platform)created by Iberdrola to encourage a just energy transition

Iberdrola, the Centro de Innovación en Tecnologías para el desarrollo humano de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid(itdUPM) and Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC) have created a Plataforma of Innovación Abierta which promotes collaboration between citizens, public organizations and businesses to encourage a just energy transition in regions which are having to adapt to the closing of coal power plants.
Started in January of 2023, the process is entering its fourth phase with the goal of testing
identified initiatives from portfolios, nurturing participants’ communities, and carrying out the goals established through community listening in both regions.
At the same time the three organizations are working toward evaluating the process by way of a series of impact indicators and collective agreements.
This June the implementation process ended and a community feedback event was planned for July 5th in Madrid with the objective of sharing lessons from the Lada and Velilla platform projects, supporting the conversation surrounding just transitions at the state and European level, and positioning the platform’s results within the area of broader energy transitions.



Some quotes
"Thanks to the platform, more people have joined the Palencia Business Association and I have gone from knowing almost all the businesspeople in the northern area to knowing a few."
"Decontaminating the industrial land is a great challenge, but the biggest and most important challenge is to decontaminate our mentality."
"Yes, there is a certain degree of responsibility for Iberdrola within the region but reducing it only to that is a mistake because then you become captive to a third party."
LADA (ML2306)
"I believe that the platform has served to bring a multitude of shortcomings into view. The greatest success it has had is that it was brought up in a territory in which they are operating and are responsible, like the authors of their development."
"All I see is that there is a belief that diversification and reconversion is possible."
"The platform contributed in giving and generating many ideas and understanding that it may be possible to establish companies here."
"People are realizing the importance of attracting companies and not just focusing on public issues"
"With the platform there is a change in perception--people start to believe that things can be done. Also seeing that things can be done to attract projects and companies to settle in these areas"
Comic about the process in Langreo
Gorka Espiau: Interview in Berria

"Self-Government is Essential to Encourage the Next Transition"
Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC) is reflecting on the role that the Basque Country can play in the process of international transformation. ALC’s director, Gorka Espiau (Bilbao, 1972), understands what steps should be taken in the coming years: “We are offering the Basque Country as an example.”
In March ALC celebrated its 10th anniversary while remaining keenly focused on present and future social challenges. The organization was created in order for the Basque Country to be present in international discussion, and Espiau believes ALC should take advantage of its strengths as a center of experimentation by “promoting transitions.”
How would you evaluate ALC’s work so far?
We’re happy because ALC was created to put the Basque Country’s on the map. We’ve proved that it’s possible to participate in these international discussions while maintaining one’s identity, and we’re positioning ourselves as a place of experimentation for future transitions.
What is ALC focused on now?
Right now, what’s most important to us is focusing our attention on the discussion surrounding sustainable human development. Normally, because of the projects we undertake, we don’t have the capacity to participate in such wide ranging debates. Nevertheless, our research has helped us demonstrate the value of what we’ve learned in recent decades, and in the Basque Country there is both a willingness and capacity to participate in these discussions.
You mentioned international discussion. How can the Basque Country influence these international spheres?
One ongoing debate in our world centers around what kind of society we want. In other words, is our goal to maintain our quality of life or encourage the next transition? It’s a big question, but these kinds of discussions have a tremendous impact on our day to day lives with regards to healthcare, security and economics. These are simply open debates to help us decide what we want as a people.
Speaking of the transition stage, what do you think are the main challenges that society is facing?
A socioecological transition is necessary, and we’ve arrived at a cross roads. Either we can take incremental steps or disrupt the existing system entirely. Incremental progress would mean maintaining what’s worked for us while making small changes. On the other hand, a disruptive approach would create change across the entire system. Although disruptive action is not the current reality, Our conclusion is that incremental progress cannot lead to true systemic change. Therefore, we must find out what kind of disruptive action is possible. This will be reflected in every sphere including industry, healthcare, education and more.
What would a solution look like?
No one knows how to initiate this kind of change, but we have to try to create experimental spaces where this learning can take place. This is what we believe at ALC: we need to put experimental solutions into practice and establish experimental frameworks. As a people we have the opportunity to offer our system as a platform for social change. And not just as a territory but as a community.
Why is the Basque Country an ideal place for this?
Encouraging change at the state level is very difficult, and we want to think bigger than local level change. Communities the size of the Basque Country have an interesting capacity to undertake new initiatives. Our region has the legal and financial capabilities, and it’s a shame that we haven’t yet made use of self-government. Again, we offer the Basque Country as an example. We are continuing to learn, and we will soon bring future transitions to fruition. That is our goal for the next decade.
What risks may arise if we do not respond to current challenges?
The most significant problem would be either an environmental or economic collapse which is where our current public policy is taking us. Our current system simply cannot provide for the needs of our society. We are seeing this in the healthcare sectors and relating to businesses as well. For example, if we do not address the issues arising in the automotive industry at a systemic level and as a society, we will not be able to deal with these challenges. Our present model of sustainable human development will collapse and our quality of life along with it.
During recent years you’ve also worked to define the Basque model.
One interesting view is that historically the Basque country has had the capacity to provide its own solutions to global problems. In the last few decades we have been able to reimagine how society should look, and in this system, protecting a commitment to equality is central. We believe that when discussing the Basque model, the concept equality is a core component.
We have also researched the revitalization of the Euskera language, Basque gastronomy and our tradition of cooperative management. From these investigations we’ve found that their narrative foundations are interrelated. This is what we call the K Factor: culture. A concrete and universal way of viewing society.
How can we focus on the K Factor to address current challenges?
In the past we have been able to give a Basque-centered response, and this is linked to equality with all of its limitations. Equality is a broad category, but we have typically viewed it narrowly as related to the socioeconomic sphere. Today equality is understood in a broader sense, and how we center it in the debate is fundamental. When socioeconomic or socioecological transitions take form quickly, that difference is highly accentuated. This has happened throughout the world and even in the Basque Country.
You mentioned the K Factor. What role does culture play in this conversation?
In the past the Euskara language has been reinvented and revitalized. We’re asking if we achieve the same outcome in the present context. The future of Euskera is directly tied to the process of transformation in Basque Society—they cannot be addressed separately. Looking back, the rebirth of Euskera was similarly connected to other social movements in our community. The hypothesis was that this revitalization of Euskera was essential to the transformation of society.
How do things look now?
Right now, considering what we’ve learned, we see a community that believes the Euskera language is an essential part of the next transition. If Euskera is not a central part of the debate, it will be very difficult to bring about a strong movement. Our job is to create spaces for experimentation combining public and private dynamics–the rural and the urban–in order to begin an initiative similar to what took place 40 years ago. It will look different, but at a basic level we need broad action.
During ALC’s anniversary, one round table discussion concluded that a lack of consensus about diagnosing the issues is impeding forward progress.
To respond to unknown challenges, consensus regarding the diagnosis is not enough. If we knew the solution, we would propose a diagnosis: this is the issue, and this is the solution. But for the current problems we face, the solutions are unknown. So, in addition to a diagnosis, we must collectively decide what is happening and create spaces for experimentation to decide together how to take the next steps.
Traditionally, we would use a strategic plan as a tool. We decide on a common diagnosis, establish our targets, and everybody works on the problem together. This is an outdated strategy. Today we have to turn the page and assume that nobody knows how to respond to the challenges we are facing. From now on we will have to work together to interpret the situation and devise new strategies. Some will work and some will not, but when we take collective action we are building the infrastructure for a flexible form of governance. This is the challenge the Basque model faces: how to evolve beyond fixed strategic plans towards experimental growth.
Spanish political parties have recently been using the term “country-wide consensus.”
I am not sure if consensus is the correct word, but we’ve seen, especially in Gipuzkoa, that some of the initial links with the Basque model are very effective for transforming the Basque Country. We have a shared territory in which to launch the next transition. This is very important to us. Although subtle, there is a growing consensus between majority parties. There is common ground here for transformation. But how will it look in practice? The question is if the end result should be predetermined or if we should instead agree to create safe space for experimentation and form a collective consensus around our situation. This is radically changing the dynamic.
What is the basic groundwork for transition?
For example, consider self-government. To promote transition, self-government is essential. If you do not have the tools of self-government, a positive socio ecological transition cannot take place. This is a fundamental principle, and I believe it has majority support. We are creating spaces for experimentation based around this idea. Achieving this will make it much easier to move towards large scale transitions.
Other than self-government, what are the other key elements?
Dynamics related to gender equality and migration. We have a lot of work to do there. Although the official discussion is progressive, in practice we notice that there continues to be a differentiation between Basques and immigrants. The transition we want cannot happen while these differences persist. From an economic perspective, taking a neoliberal view cannot lead to a just outcome. The resulting solutions would only increase inequality. Lastly, the ecological transition is not inevitable. A link to nature must be at the center. Self-government, equality and the relationship with nature are enough to create advanced spaces for experimentation. These are the requirements, and from here it is possible to generate the next transition.
On the topic of experimentation, some countries are now beginning their own projects. What can the Basque Country learn from these initiatives?
Our core objective is to work within the limits of the Basque Country, but our challenges are global. We must stay in touch with the whole world in order to break new ground. We are sharing our experience, reporting on our transformation and, by participating in these experiments, we will learn to bring new ideas and collaborations back to the Basque Country. The status quo would be collaborating with regions similar to the Basque Country, but because the challenges we face are global, and is equally as possible to learn from Scandinavian nations and from Quebec as it is to learn from countries like Indonesia, Pakistan and Mozambique.
X. urteurrena ALC: Jule Goikoetxea
“Euskal Herrian burujabetze digitala egoteko publifikazioa behar da”
X. urteurrena ALC: Naroa Jauregizuria
“Gure nortasuna eta proiektatzen dugun irudia ez datoz bat eta horretan egin behar dugu lan”
X. urteurrena ALC: Xabier Barandiaran
“Lankidetza behar dugu ikuspegi eraldatzailea martxan jarri ahal izateko”
X. urteurrena ALC: Aritz Otxandiano
“Energiaren ekoizpenaren demokratizazio bateranzko bidea egin behar dugu”
Aritz Otxandiano Fagor S Coop.eko iraunkortasun arduraduna da. Fagor Taldeak, zortzi kooperatibaz osatua, 8.900 langile baino gehiago ditu. Fagorrek solidaritate eta parte-hartze demokratikoaren printzipioak ditu oinarri bere jarduera industrialean. Langileak dira kooperatibaren jabeak, eta enpresaren emaitzetan eta kudeaketan parte hartzen dute. Gaur egun duen erantzukizunaren aurretik, Aritz Fagor Arrasateko (Fagorreko 8 kooperatibetako bat) presidentea izan zen 2011tik 2017ra. Gainera, aurretik izandako esperientziari erreparatuz, Otxandioko alkate izan zen 2003tik 2011ra.
X. urteurrena ALC: Daniel Lasa
“Sukaldaritza gure kultura ezagutzera emateko tresna da”
X. urteurrena ALC: Naiara Goia
“Erronka globalei erantzunak emateko erakunde eta gizarte zibilaren arteko sareak indartu behar ditugu”
X. urteurrena ALC: Ander Caballero
“Enpresa munduak gure nortasuna garatzeko eta ezagutzera emateko aukera ematen du”
Ander Caballero nazioarteko aholkularia da, nazioarteko erakunde publiko eta pribatuei aholkularitza ematen espezializatua, BDS Global Advisors, estrategia eta politikako enpresa boutiquearen sortzaileetako bat den aldetik. Lehenago, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Estatu Batuetako ordezkaria izan zen Eusko Jaurlaritzan (2013-18), nazioarteko gaietan eta gai publikoetan espezializatuz. Ander enpresa-diplomaziako eta estatu azpiko diplomaziako irakaslea da Deustuko Unibertsitatean eta Mondragon Unibertsitatean, eta gaur egun irakasle bisitaria da Harvardeko Unibertsitatean eta Senior Fellow Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies-en. Administrazio publikoan masterra egin zuen Harvardeko Kennedy School of Government-en, eta zuzenbidean lizentziatu zen Deustuko Unibertsitatean.
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