Home Gure lana Esperimentazioa Gizarte Berrikuntza Plataforma West Java-n
Agirre Lehendakaria Canter in collaboration with UNDP Indonesia, UNDP Regional Hub for Asia Pacific local governance and SDG localization, and Ministry of Villages
- Community actions 8
- Small and mid scale initiatives 12
- Large scale initiatives 6
- New public services 6
- New regulation mechanisms 4
Hay una falta de regulación para proteger al pescador local y está cambiando su forma de vida.
Livestocking is still considered as savings, than as a revolving business.
No hay inversión necesaria porque la educación no es una prioridad.
Culture can be an added value to tourism and regional development
The CGG has given women economic empowerment, even with lack of skills.
West Java needs to be able to develop from the bottom up.
The quick development causes environmental damage.
West Java is changing too quickly. New types of livelihood are starting to emerge.
The people-powered portfolio of the province of West Java has 36 interconnected initiatives within the 5 levels of intervention. Among them there are some existing projects that are working well for the community and other new prototypes that emerged from the previous processes (deep listening, sensemaking and co-creation).
The portfolio is divided into 4 thematic areas: tourism – community-based tourism, food system and infrastructure.
In March 2022, a mini-launch of one of the prototypes of the West Java Social Innovation Platform (SIP) portfolio took place: the Kampung KB, a community-based tourism as an engine of sustainable tourism development, where communities manage their own tourism projects and the benefits go directly to community members, through local development, resident engagement, empowerment and capacity building.