Thematic Platform on Future of Work in Dhaka
Home Work Experimentation Thematic Platform on Future of Work in Dhaka
Agirre Lehendakaria Center, in collaboration with a2i (Aspire to Innovate), UNDP Bangladesh and UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub for Asia Pacific SDG Integration team.

- Community actions 15
- Small and mid scale initiatives 17
- Large scale initiatives 8
- New public services 36
- New regulation mechanisms 7

El sector informal debe ser reconocido

El desarrollo económico debe abarcar la igualdad de derechos para todos

La debilidad financiera sigue siendo una barrera para impulsar el cambio

Desarrollar capacidades digitales es crucial para el desarrollo del comercio electrónico
The people-powered portfolio in Dhaka has 68 interconnected initiatives within the 5 levels of intervention corresponding to these areas.
The Social Innovation Platform aims to support the sector of CMSMEs/SMEs in Dhaka and improve the access to finance, access to service, access to skills and access to market of the sector with the special focus on vulnerable groups, women and youth. Therefore, the main area of the opportunities for the collaborative work and people powered portfolio are women and youth empowerment and digitalization of CMSMEs/SMEs.