Thematic Platform on Air Pollution in Chiang Rai
Home Work Experimentation Thematic Platform on Air Pollution in Chiang Rai
ALC in collaboration with UNDP Thailand and UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub for Asia Pacific SDG Integration team.

- Community actions 11
- Small and mid scale initiatives 11
- Large scale initiatives 11
- New public services 13
- New regulation mechanisms 5

Aunque reduzcamos las quemas en nuestro país, no podemos controlar el humo transfronterizo

El gobierno no muestra interés en ayudar a los agricultores

Quemar no es un acto de falta de conciencia, sino el resultado de una falta de alternativa para nosotros

If we don't act soon, the poverty rate and inequalities will increase

Hasta que no entendamos a la comunidad y trabajemos juntos, nada cambiará

La contaminación del aire determina la calidad de vida de nuestros hijos
The result of the SIP in Chiang Rai is the people powered portfolio of 45 interconnected initiatives within the 5 levels of intervention.
The portfolio is divided in three main thematic areas: sustainable agriculture, infrastructure (waste management system and transportation), and transboundary actions (public awareness, transboundary haze, intersectoral collaboration). These areas were identified through the systems mapping, deep listening and collective sensemaking implemented in the Chiang Rai province where the main sources of air pollution are agricultural and forest burning, open burning, industrial pollution, vehicle emissions and transboundary haze which cause massive spikes in the air quality index that are detrimental to the health of the population. The process of co-creation of the portfolio is supported by the community, public and private sector, local NGOs and developmental agencies.