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Collaboration with the Provincial Council of Alava and the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council in the revitalisation of the Basque language.
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Collaboration with the Provincial Council of Alava and the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council in the revitalisation of the Basque language.

During 2024, Agirre Lehendakaria Center has analysed the initiatives of the Provincial Council of Alava and the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council for the revitalisation of the Basque language, within the framework of the new AROA strategic plan.

In addition, interviews and listening sessions have been held with social agents of different profiles to understand their perceptions of the Basque language and detect opportunities for its strengthening.


This analysis has made it possible to identify patterns in perceptions and attitudes towards the Basque language, both positive and negative. It has revealed key factors that can act as levers to encourage its use, as well as social and cultural obstacles that require specific strategies. The research has also highlighted the need to promote an inclusive narrative adapted to the different sectors of Alava's society, with special attention to youth and foreign communities that currently do not have sufficient proposals adapted to their linguistic integration.


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Programme Abstracts of the 3rd International Seminar – A Human Rights based approach to Palliative Care: Towards Solutions for Public Health Palliative Care

Programme Abstracts of the 3rd International Seminar - A Human Rights based approach to Palliative Care: Towards Solutions for Public Health Palliative Care

Abstract ID: 17 Getxo Zurekin : Building the narrative of a Compassionate Community

The Case of Lada (Asturias) and Velilla del Río Carrión (Palencia)


Complex challenges such as just energy transition require an approach that addresses not only the replacement or creation of new jobs, but also provides answers to interconnected issues such as migration and ageing of the population, deindustrialisation, the transformation of the economic activity of a territory and the conditioning factors towards its historical identity (mining, industry...), etc.

The Lada and Velilla Innovation Platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership, made up of two university innovation centres and an electricity company, created to address the closure of two coal-fired power plants in Spain using the working approach of the social innovation platforms.


Link to Revista Diecisiete - Plataforma 2030

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Others see our shortcomings, and. They like them

Everyone can name many of their “bad” features that he would like to keep under control. Our Columonist Psychotherapist Ilya Latypov believes that others still see us real. And they accept us as we are.

There are two extremes in our idea of how well other people can “read” us. One is the feeling that we are completely transparent, permeable, that we are not able to hide anything. This is especially strongly a feeling of transparency in experiencing shame or its easier variation, embarrassment – this is one of the features of shame.

But there is another extreme associated with the first – the idea that we are able to hide from other people what we are afraid of or that we are ashamed to

show. The tummy sticks out? Let’s pull it properly and we will always walk like that – no one will notice.

Speech defect? We will carefully monitor our diction – and everything will be in order. The voice trembles when we worry? “Excessively” blushes the face? Not very competently put speech? Vile grimaces? All this can be hidden, because those around us, seeing this, will probably turn away from us.

In addition to physical disabilities, there are also personality characteristics. You can be ashamed of them and carefully mask, believing that we will be able to make them inconspicuous.

Greed or stinginess, obvious bias (especially if objectivity is important for us – then we will hide the addiction very carefully), talkativeness, impulsiveness (this is ashamed if we value restraint) – and so on, each of us can name many of our “bad”features that we are trying to control.

But nothing happens. It’s like drawing up the abdomen: you remember a couple of minutes, and then switches attention, and – oh horror – you see it in a random photo. And this pretty woman saw him – and still flirted with you!

It is hard to believe that other people treat us well, seeing many of our features that we would like to hide. It seems that they stay with us because we manage to control ourselves – but this is not so. Yes, we are not transparent – but also not impenetrable.

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