K Magazine, promoting the transformation of Basque society

From Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC) we launch the first issue of K magazine, "What is Basque gastronomy today?", a debate on the challenges we face as a society on the road to Sustainable Human Development. In this first issue we focus on gastronomy and food systems, understanding them as vectors for social transformation.

K magazine is a publication of Agirre Lehendakaria Center, the Social Innovation Center created in 2013 by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in collaboration with AC4-Columbia University in New York, which promotes community transformation processes through open Social Innovation Platforms based on culture as a driver of change.


With the aim of collectively reflecting on the challenges we face on the road to Sustainable Human Development and promoting the transformation of Basque society, we launched, on our tenth anniversary, issue 0 of the K magazine on an experimental basis. This issue collected the lines of work of the center and an approach to the major challenges we face as a society.

After the issue zero, we are launching the first issue of K magazine, "What is Basque gastronomy today?", in which we focus on gastronomy and food systems, considering them driving forces for social transformation.


With the aim of reflecting collectively on these issues, we collaborate with various agents who address key aspects of the sector from social innovation, such as, Unai Pascual (Basque Center for Climate Change - BC3), the chef Eneko Atxa, the journalist Sasha Correa (Basque Culinary Center), Rocío Sánchez (BIAAF - Bilbao International Art and Fashion), the writer Harkaitz Cano, Gipuzkoako Ostalaritza Elkartea (the catering association from Gipuzkoa, Basque Country), EDE Foundation and elBullifoundation. The photographs are by Vicente Paredes and the design by Angélica Barco.

K magazine is a gift distributed free of charge and on request.