Hexagonal Lab - ALC

ALC and Hexagonal Lab work on a joint session to explore ways for collaboration

Part of the Hexagonal Lab team has travelled from Zaragoza with the aim of seeking synergies in the experimentation portfolios of both organisations and thus considering future cooperation opportunities.

On April 11, 2024, Agirre Lehendakaria Center and Hexagonal Lab met for a joint session at the Bizkaia Aretoa (Bilbao). The objective of this meeting was to explore synergies in the experimentation portfolios of both organizations to identify future ways of collaboration.


Raúl Oliván, director of Hexagonal Lab, was accompanied by part of his team: Raúl Olmedo, Jorge Calvo and Fernando García. Hexagonal operates as a laboratory of ideas and innovation consultancy.


Throughout the session, the teams worked on visualizing the potential connections between the projects of both entities. The meeting culminated with a graphical representation of the connections, which brought to the table the diversity of potential connections between the two laboratories.

On a general level, the areas of health and care have been identified as one of the thematic areas with potential common links. This field is an area in which Agirre Lehendakaria Center actively participates in multiple projects in the co-creation of the role of the community connector; such as Getxo Zurekin, Matia Fundazioa (Como en casa) or Plena Inclusión (Mi Casa). 


ALC also presented the digital tool that is developing along the digital agency Bestiario, within the framework of collaboration with the Directorate of Prospective of the Office of the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), for the design of new spaces to address complex challenges.